Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Skate shops and Roller Derby!

I'm so psyched at the moment! I've got a meeting lined up on Saturday with the owner of an awesome skate shop to discuss the possibility of the shop stocking my jewellery! It's so exciting. I've got a lot to do before then, make new jewellery, draw up a contract etc.. but i'm super hyped!!
I will be trying my best to make an awesome impression and let him know that i'm not messing about. I don't half-ass when it comes to my business!

My Etsy shop has been seeing some record views lately! I'm so happy about that although I still don't feel I'm really targeting the right people so I have enquired about placing an ad in the next Glasgow Roller Girls booklet. It's given out free at every game and I'm really hoping that the people who'll be reading it are the people I'm looking for. If you're in the area you should check out a bout or two as the teams are fantastic! I was keen on joining so I started the training a while back but sadly had to give it up due to other commitments and money issues. However, I love what they do and I feel privileged to be featured in their mag!

I don't think i've yet mentioned my new obsession! I've fallen in love with Danielle La Porte and her new book, The Fire Starter Sessions!! It's so amazing. Extremely inspiring and its made such a difference to the way I think and act. I've only read about a third of it so far!! Although, I have downloaded the ebook as well and I'm nearly finished it. There's so many amazing reviews of it, so if you don't believe me go check it out on Amazon! Her site is http://www.daniellelaporte.com/ and you can find tonnes of inspirational articles and videos! Including this daily helping of inspiration :

Its so awesome! I watch it most mornings and it really sets me up for the day ahead. She is so inspiring and thought provoking. It's not some lame, airy fairy self help nonsense. It's extremely down to earth and all about realising what you want and getting off your backside to go make it happen! I could talk about her and the book for hours but i'll stop there :p 
Till next time.

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